Sunday, February 26, 2006

I admit it. I suck at blogging—especially when I'm under other writing deadlines. So, here's where I've been for the last three months:

  • I just finished the book On the Way Evangelism, which is a book on evangelism for real people. It includes chapters on how to make friends with unchurched folk (a long-lost art for many), how to be evangelistically strategic in where you buy your groceries and who you hire to cut your grass, how to get radical for God, and so on. I'm pretty excited about it.
  • I just finished proofing the "galleys" (the typesetting) for the book High Voltage Spirituality. This book comes out in June and has over forty different spiritual habits for real people. From traditional prayer and Bible study, to taking mini-retreats and mini-fasts, the book pretty well covers the gamut of the disciplines.
  • I just finished an article on how to multiply small groups for
  • I just edited two doctoral dissertations.

And in between, I babysat my grandson Ethan (above), worked with small groups, trained house church pastors, and looked for a j-o-b. So, all that's my excuse for not blogging regularly.

I read somewhere (I've got to find the reference), that something like one-out-of-four workers are addicted to reading blogs and spend 9 percent of the day reading them. I'll confess, I'm not a big blog reader. I check into Andrew Jones' blog, TallSkinnyKiwi now and again, but that's about it. If Joni Furry had a blog, I suspect I'd keep up with it—she has a lot of good stuff to say about the church from a postmodern lay position. But other than that, I don't do much with blogs. Which is probably why I don't post very often. It's like I'm not sure what's worth saying... I'll hush for now.


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